What is Freedom Flex?

Oct 20, 2022 | Company Updates, Plans, Rates, and Programs

Energy Texas is the premier retail electricity provider in the great state of Texas. All day long, our friendly customer-satisfaction team helps our neighbors all over the Lone Star state find a fair and affordable plan that meets their needs. During these conversations, we get a lot of valuable insight into what people want — and don’t want — from their electricity provider.


When it comes to contract terms, everyone appreciates the benefit of locking in a rate to protect themselves from price volatility. Market prices are fluctuating constantly, but most energy providers don’t allow you to switch your plan unless you pay a high early termination fee. The energy providers that do “let” you switch tend to have a hidden ulterior motive for switching your service, like switching to another plan of their choosing, not yours. That’s why we’re excited to announce Freedom Flex.


Introducing Freedom Flex

Stand back, partners, because this is one buckin’ bronco of a deal! Freedom Flex is a monthly subscription add-on for new and current Energy Texas customers that allows you to re-rate your service contract up to once every 30 days. You’re in control of your electricity service — not numbers on a contract. Best of all, there are no early termination fees to re-rate and switch plans!


Take Advantage of Market Rates As They Change With Freedom Flex

For only $4.95/mo, you get all the freedom & FLEXibility to take advantage of changing rates and manage your electricity service how you want, and when you want. Not to mention that you’ll also get access to special rates and plans only offered to Freedom Flex members. And as always, you still get the Giddy Up guarantee with your enrollment!

Interested? Learn more here.

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