Energy Efficient Ways to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

Jan 19, 2023 | Energy Conservation & Savings

The new year is here and already moving full steam ahead. If you’re like many people, you probably came into 2023 with resolutions and goals you want to achieve in the coming months. Maybe some of those aspirations include saving money; maybe some relate to reducing your carbon footprint. If so, you’re in luck! This article is going to cover some of our favorite energy-efficient ways to achieve your new year’s resolutions.


Why Is It Important to Maintain Energy Efficiency?

You might wonder what New Year’s resolutions have to do with energy efficiency. The answer is a lot. The concept behind New Year’s resolutions is to identify ways to improve. Being smart about our energy use is something we can always keep in mind. Not to mention that many typical New Year’s resolutions like saving money, eating more healthily, and living a more active lifestyle can all be achieved in an energy-efficient way. In fact, the two often compliment each other.


According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, here are a few benefits of energy efficiency. Do any of them relate to any of your new year’s resolutions?


  • Environmental: Lowers greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and water use.
  • Economic: Lowers individual utility bills and promotes a more stable market.
  • Utility Systems: Reduces the demand and strain on the grid.


How to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions While Being Energy-Efficient

New Year’s resolutions and energy efficiency go hand-in-hand. Whether it’s exercising more, eating more healthy food, cutting back on expenses, or any of the other many ways people seek to improve themselves when the New Year arrives, nearly all can be achieved while simultaneously saving electricity. Let’s explore.


Get In Shape & Conserve Electricity

Getting in shape is one of the most common resolutions for a lot of people, and it might surprise you to learn that you can actually take an energy-efficient approach that can be both easy and pleasant. One of the easiest ways to get in shape and save energy is to simply use means, methods, and equipment that doesn’t require electricity.


We have a lot of beautiful scenery here in Texas and going for a vigorous walk, run, bike ride, or other outdoor activity can be beneficial for both your body and mind — and maybe even your wallet!


Energy-Efficient Workout Equipment

Maybe running isn’t your thing, or it’s raining outside. That’s okay. There are other energy-efficient ways to workout and equipment that you can use. Rowing machines, stationary bikes, free weights — there are plenty of ways to get your sweat on that don’t involve using a machine that has to be plugged into the wall. If you’re feeling especially adventurous, some exercise machines can even generate electricity.


Energy-Efficient Strategies to Eat Healthier

The average person gains a few pounds during the holiday months, so it’s not exactly a coincidence that losing weight or cleaning up their diet becomes a primary focus in January. When you consider that cooking accounts for about 15% of our electricity use and food storage uses up another 17%, there are opportunities to save money.


Simple habits like defrosting your food before cooking it, cooking in a glass or ceramic dish, and setting your refrigerator to somewhere between 35 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit all add up to save electricity. You can also start incorporating more raw foods into your diet that don’t require any cooking! Check out our blog post for 10 ways to save energy while cooking.


Save Energy While Traveling

One of the easiest ways to save electricity is when you’re not even there. It’s true! You can save energy at home while you’re traveling, and it won’t impact your lifestyle. Just a quick pre-travel routine throughout your house to turn down the thermostat and water heater, turn out the lights, and unplug the appliances can all add up.


Want to Save Money? Energy-Efficiency Is the Way

Remember the reasons above to be energy efficient? Here’s another big one — the U.S. The Department of Energy estimates that the typical household can save 25% on utility bills with energy efficiency measures. For most homes, that adds up to a couple thousand dollars. Imagine how keeping that would improve your year.


Invest In Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star actually isn’t a brand name; it’s a program of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy designed to help consumers, businesses, and industry save money and protect the environment through the adoption of energy-efficient products and practices.


Energy Star-rated appliances use less energy, save money, and protect the environment. So when it’s time for a new refrigerator, dishwasher, dryer, washer, or other appliance, and you want to save money over the long term, look for the Energy Star label to let you know that it’s an energy-efficient appliance that uses less electricity than standard models.


Energy Efficiency Tips to Save Money at Home In the New Year

For many people, their home presents big opportunities to save energy and, in turn, save money. Spending a little time and effort can yield big results when it comes to improving the energy efficiency of your house. Here are a few of our favorite suggestions.


  1. Switch to Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

If you have not yet switched from old incandescent bulbs to newer, energy-efficient LED lights, make this the year. According to the Department of Energy, LEDs use up to 90% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.


An easy way to start is by changing the bulbs in the rooms in your home that you use most often. Then, replace older style bulbs with LEDs as they need replacing. Before you know it, you’ll have all the lights throughout your home switched, and you will be saving electricity and money on your monthly bill.


  1. Seal Up Air Leaks

Almost 50% of the average energy bill goes to heating and cooling costs, so it is worth your while to do what you can to make your HVAC system as efficient as possible. One of the most simple things you can do is to simply go around the exterior of your home, up in the attic, and crawl spaces, and look for gaps where conditioned air could be escaping and fill in the space with expanding foam.


While you’re at it, inspect the weather stripping along your windows and doors. If it’s inadequate and results in a draft, make it a point to pick up replacements. They’re easily found at all the home box stores or everyone’s favorite online retailer.


  1. Thicken Up the Insulation

One more thing while you’re up in the attic — check out the status of the insulation. Is it thin or missing anywhere? Poor insulation can result in a 25% drop in heating and cooling efficiency. That means that adding insulation where it’s needed is like giving yourself a “25% off heating and cooling costs” in perpetuity!


  1. Slay Energy Vampires

Many people don’t realize that a lot of electronic devices use electricity even when they’re turned off. This “vampire electricity,” as it has been named, is silently sitting in the background, using up electricity and making your bills higher than they need to be. The solution? Unplug your appliances and devices when not in use or use smart power strips that allow you to cut the electricity to multiple devices simultaneously.


  1. Use the Ceiling Fan

Using the ceiling fan is a great compliment to your HVAC system. It distributes the conditioned air evenly throughout the room in such a way that can even help to reduce the demand on the air conditioner or furnace. Not to mention that ceiling fans use a fraction of the electricity that it takes to warm or cool the air.


Save Money in 2023 With Energy Texas

Hey, who doesn’t want to keep more of their money in their own pocket this year? With Energy Texas, you can! We provide simple plans at competitive pricing with Tex-cellent customer support. We operate on the principle of treating others how we want to be treated. That’s why at Energy Texas, you always come first. In addition to fair, fixed rates, we also offer other opportunities to save money.


  • Rangler Rewards Program — Earn gift cards, bill credits, and even smart home tech whenever you pay your bill on time or participate in planet-saving programs like paperless billing.
  • Freedom Flex — If market rates change or your needs change, you can change your plan once every 30 days. No questions, no hassle, no fees.
  • Sun-Jacinto Solar Buy-Back — Got solar? Earn a return on your solar panel investment and get paid for the extra power your system generates that you don’t use.


How does all that sound? Achieve your new year’s resolutions, save money, reduce your carbon footprint, use less electricity, and do business with the best retail electricity provider in the Lone Star State! Check out the plans we offer in your area.

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